Saturday, February 25, 2006


Hi all,

I realized when I was in Houston last weekend that it's been a long time since I've written, and there's been a lot that's happened since I last blogged.

I've started taking classes at LSU to work towards my Master's in Mech E part time. This initially seemed like a great idea, but I'm starting to wonder. The caliber of the students at LSU is not quite what it was at Rice, which I expected, but I never expected such a large discrepancy. The teachers are not very good either. But if I am ever going to get my Masters, this is the best time to do it, so for now I am chugging onwards.

The house search continues. Right now, I have a lease signed at my apartment until the end of July, so I'm not at the point where I could make an offer anyways. Still, I like to keep track of the market. It's actually pretty sad, I know every house for sale in the neighborhood I am interested in, and have a little spreadsheet made up graphing listing price and selling price against time.

Let's see, what else. Work is unremarkable. I think my boss has caught on that I'm bored most of the time and seems to be sending me more interesting little problems, which is good. I sat down with my manager yesterday and had a sort of "career path" conversation, which actually didn't tell me anything I didn't know already, so was sort of pointless.

I'll be in Houston from Feb 27- Mar 9 for training, so you Houstonites will probably see me. My sister and I are going to go to San Antonio on March 5-6 if anyone can take of Monday and wants to come with.

Ok, that was a fairly boring and uninspired post. I'm sorry. Now, someone else post and put me to shame.