Monday, April 24, 2006


I drank, I ate, I conquered. I had a wonderful time in Houston this weekend! I arrived late Wednesday night and left after dinner on Sunday. I got to hit up all of my favorite places: Chuy's, Goode Co. BBQ, Barnaby's, TC, Pei Wei, Ruggles, Volcano, and the Flying Saucer. I spent most of the day on Thursday and Friday just chillin' around campus visiting Martel, the Admissions Office, and all of my old freshmen at Sid. I had a wedding on Saturday over in the Galleria area. My friends Kat & Matt from A&M tied the knot. They had a mashed potato bar at the reception! How cool of an idea is that??? Though that didn't make up for the fact that it was a dry wedding... not even a cash bar... so that totally sucked. But for a dry wedding, I suppose it was a really good one.

I crashed at Sid on Wednesday, Miguel's on Thursday & Friday, and Jenny & Alana's on Saturday night. Jiin-Yu came up Sunday morning for a visit! We all called Derrick and wished him a happy birthday... then he sent us some embarrassing video footage of Austin. Oh man... if anyone wants to see it, Derrick, Alana, or I can forward it to you.

Anyways, that is the long story short. Now I'm back in Seattle... taking the day off work because I am exhausted and my voice is all shot to hell (I lost my voice Saturday night after we got back from the Flying Saucer... I think it was all the cigarette smoke... I'm not used to it anymore! Texas needs to pass a no smoking bill.)

Take care,


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