Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Some crazy shit!

Gwen Stefani concert: AMAZING! Our seats: EVEN MORE AMAZING! I went with my boss, her boss (my boss boss), and this other broker- and I met them downtown because they had a business dinner/drinks. THEY WERE PLASTERED! It was HILARIOUS! The boss boss tried to get me to drink- I declined- don't want to do that too soon. So we got to the Key Arena and he bought beers and handed me one and said "you've got catching up to do." But we couldn't bring the beers into the seating area, so we basically had to chug them. I finished way before he did- and I called him a pussy for it. He thought that was completely awesome of me. The concert ended at 10:30, and my bedtime is 11. But they dragged me to a bar afterwards anyways. So basically, these people are crazy. And I'm loving it!



At 8:35 PM, Blogger Derrick said...

Good call on the not getting plastered in front of your co-workers in the first week. It shows a touch of class.

*cough cough* 10/11 *cough cough*

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Carley said...

Phill, I'm so glad that you've got a job and that you are enjoying it! Congrats!

My blog is att http://pallas14.blogspot.com, I believe. If you want to go back and read my rant entry.


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