Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Something tells me...

... that I have a halfway decent chance of something good happening in the next week, job wise. I had 2 interviews today and they both went very well. The first was for University of Phoenix (I know I know... but I wouldn't be attending- just working for them). I'd be working in their enrollment division for their programs that are actually taught in classrooms. It's a combo sales and academic counseling job, so it would be fairly interesting. I think both of my interviewers really liked me, esp. the 2nd one who said that he thought I would really fit in there. The pay is pretty good and the commute goes against rush hour traffic, so it's not bad at all. AND, the best part is, they work an extra hour Monday - Thursday so they get off at 1pm on Fridays! That would be hotness.

The 2nd job I was hooked up with through a professional staffing firm who specializes in business, financial, legal, etc permanent staffing (its not an employment agency, its basically a firm that does HR for companies who don't have their own HR departments- like small - mid sized law firms, insurance wholesalers, finanical institutions, etc.) I went to the agency originally for legal positions, but they lady there said that she had the perfect thing for me in insurance. It's a local company that has grown and spread to a few other states- they do property and casualty and executive liability insurance. It's not like boring healthcare or homeowners insurance- they insure things like surgeons' hands, law firms, etc. So it's actually half way interesting. The job has shitty pay and its located all the way in Redmond, but there's an assload of growth potential because they promote from within usually. I called the agency later this afternoon to ask what the interviewer said about me, and apparently she thought I was awesome AND I was the ONLY person (out of 5 or 6 interviewees today) that she actually liked and would consider for the job. Good. So maybe next week I'll have a job? That would be nice...

I also have another meeting with a different legal staffing firm tomorrow. So maybe I'll get another lead there. Cross your fingers for me people. Thanx!



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