Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Life in BR

Hi guys,

I know I haven't blogged in awhile. I've been pretty busy with work and all, but nothing really exciting is happening.

Work is going well. Last week, I had a performance review with my supervisor, and he had a lot of very positive things to say about my performance. We also talked about things I should be doing- not so much things I need to be doing to do my job better, but more what I need to be doing politically to make sure that I get my name out there and that people know who I am. I've certainly got enough work to keep me busy, but it's really easy to get discouraged and lose motivation. I think this will get easier as time goes on. All the people are really great, especially the inspectors. I'm constantly amazed by how knowledgable the inspectors are- they know these units inside and out. They've all had years of experience so they are a great source of information when I need it.

Let's see, what else. I've been trying to find a house that isn't ridiculously inflated in price because of Katrina- so far, no luck. My mom tells me that I need to calm down and wait it out six months, which is a good idea, but difficult for me because I am very impatient and am starting to feel a little cramped in this apartment. It's a nice apartment, but it is a little small in the kitchen and dining areas, which everyone knows are very important to me, because I love to cook and have friends over.

Speaking of having friends over, Phill and my high school friend, Laura, have been the only ones to come see me. :-( I know that New Orleans is no longer a draw, but I would still love to have some guests! Someone, please come visit me! It's only a four hour drive.

BTW, anyone planning to go back to Houston for Homecoming? I'm gonna be in Houston all next week for training. I'll be staying downtown and would love to meet up with the Houstonites in the crowd for dinner. Anyways, because I'll be in Houston anyways for training, I'll probably stay for Homecoming.

Ok, I have to go get dressed and head off to work. Hope everyone is doing well!



At 12:08 AM, Blogger phillipdavid said...

Seriously people- go see Carley! She was a top notch hostess! Just like Martha Stewart, but without all the jail stuff. And her place is super cute too :)


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