Friday, October 21, 2005

Calvin's brush with death

Two blogs in two days, amazing I know. Anyway, I have a story I had to share. So today I wake up at 8 AM. This fact is made important since in order to get to my lab on time I had to be at the bus stop at 8:10 AM. So it was definitely a no-shower, no-contacts, throw on my jeans that have been on the floor and a shirt that isn't too dirty kind of morning. On my way out of the door, I notice that only about 10% of the water in Calvin's bowl is still there. A problem has arisen.

I have about two minutes to figure out wtf just happened, save Calvin, and catch my bus. All while feeling extremely unclean and just overall icky. Somehow Calvin's bowl had developed a leak. How does a glass bowl leak you may wonder, well so did I. Calvin was a little spastic (understandably as the water level had been declining all night). I got out some tupperware, filled it with a mixture of warm and cold water, hoping that would equal room temperature so Calvin wouldn't die of temperature shock when I put him in there. I treated the water so he wouldn't die of chlorine poisoning either. But I couldn't actually get Calvin out of the damn bowl. When I would get him into the net, he would jump out. Too many seconds passed. I just said fuck it. I figured if about 6 hours went by and he still had 10% of the water, I'd be home by 2 so if I filled it up again all would be fine. So I dumped the water from the tupperware into the bowl, fed him, and bolted out the door.

At least I made the bus. In the morning. I missed the bus I normally catch after work, so I got home 20 minutes later than normal. The plot thickens.

I get home and Calvin is dead. Like not moving in a bowl devoid of water dead. Leigh happens to call me as I eye my dead fish. I'm like- my fish just died. I didn't even name him until 2 days after I got him because I didn't want to get attached. And then he died the next day.

To avoid leaking on our stuff, I had put the bowl in the tupperware before I left in the morning. I figured why not. So I pour the water back into the bowl, and Calvin kind of moves. Turns out he wasn't quite dead, but was trapped underneath the plastic underwater ruins that had fallen when the water left the bowl. So I moved the ruins, and Calvin kind of floats to the top. Hmm. I figured he can't fool me twice. So I drop in some food and he eats it. I ran to the pet store, got a new bowl, and now all is right with the world. I just hope he doesn't have internal bleeding or something.

The old bowl has two large cracks at the bottom. How the hell they got that big overnight I have no idea. Perhaps Calvin is an unhappy fish with super-fishy strength and was trying to escape and fucked it up big time. Or maybe someone was trying to steal my fish in a most peculiar way. I'm still investigating.

Don't ever let anyone tell you fish are boring pets.


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Carley said...

ROFL. That's hilarious. Nothing that funny ever happens in Baton Rouge. :-(

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Jon said...

Derrick, that was awesome. that's why you need to post (or almost kill your fish) more often.


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