Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Greetings from Baton Rouge

Hey all,

I was asked to blog to let everyone know that I am safe and sound. Rita actually hit Baton Rouge harder here than Katrina did. I lost power for about 12 hours, while in Katrina I didn't lose power at all. But still, we didn't get a lot of damage. Some trees down, etc, but most of the trees that were weak or what not had already come down. A lot of people lost power, but they seemed to get it back up faster this time around. I was off work on Friday, but back on Monday.

Everything else is going fine here. I'm pretty much stressed out beyond belief about work, but trying to keep myself calm. And it's not that it's going poorly, it's just very stressful because I still pretty much don't know what's going on.

I guess the other big news is that I am going to try to go back to grad school part time at LSU for Mechanical Engineering. I took my GRE last week and did pretty well. Still working on getting all my stuff together, so hopefully it will all come together in time for me to start in January. If I stay on track, it will take me about 3 years to get it done. Let's hope it all works out!

Anyways, glad everyone is safe and weathered the storm ok.

Bye guys, keep posting!



At 4:15 PM, Blogger Jon said...

glad you're alive and well, it's really weird being so detached from the situation.

So I know you claim to not know what's going on, but what does your daily routine consist of? on average, let's say.

That's crazy that you're going to take some classes. Night classes or what? And hopefully your company's paying?

Finally, how's the social scene? Are there young people to hang out with? let us know :-)


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