Thursday, August 25, 2005

Too good to be true?

Just wanted everyone to know I started my "O-Week" today. Everyone seems surprisingly cool. I already have plans to hangout and tailgate with some people from other departments. Even the professors for the most part seem chill (for professors). The weather was perfect today. My ID picture turned out great (as good as a university ID can be anyway). I didn't have any problems navigating the bus system. We went to a pub and drank 23 oz. glasses of beer for $2. Tomorrow it'll be the same except with sangria. Next week it's a pizza/beer combination, as well as a little dancing/drink special action. All very cheap. And did I mention that of all the new students in my department, there are about 55 students? About 45 are girls.

Today is August 25. Classes start September 7. Am I being proverbially fattened up? I worry this is the case. I will have had so much fun I will be caught completely unawares, and then rapidly slink into a case of the typically pathetic grad student. Which may explain how professors get us to do their work for them. I'll be in too much emotional and physical shock to really do otherwise. Surely this is my skeptical nature coming through, but we'll see.

Until then I can really do nothing but play along with this diabolical scheme. The sacrifices I make for the pursuit of knowledge.


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