Tuesday, August 16, 2005

How Cookie Monster made my day...

Here's an update on my life...

I didn't want to post again until I had some good news. But just like Jiin-Yu, I am still unemployed. I've decided that I want to do college admissions so I applied to three different schools in the area. I've heard nothing yet... wonderful. If I don't hear anything by next week I'm just gonna apply for every job that I can find online and pray for the best. I had one interview to be the office manager / accountant for a product development firm... I should hear back from them this week, but I'm not so sure if I wanna take that one if I get it. So, basically, antsy spazzy Phill is emerging and probably will remain until I get a job. And a real apartment- mine is only temporary and I need to be out by September 5th. That's another mission. Bleh...

Other than my worried job and apartment life, other things are going well. I've had a lot of time on my hands, so I've done a lot of exploring. They have some great parks here to walk around and relax in and just a lot of other cool little touristy-ish things to see. I made a friend here too! Unfortunately, he's gonna be a senior in college and he left today to drive back to New York... my luck... but he took me to two really good brewery/restaurants and we went to a Natalie MacMaster concert in Redmond over the weekend- that was really cool. I told some of you about that girl from UPenn- my grandma's friend's grandson's best friend's sister- she arrives this weekend and she doesn't know anyone here except her cousin- so I think I'll have an insta-friend there. Della arrives in 2 weeks (YAY!!!) and a friend from high school (who went to William & Mary) has a friend who is moving out here also to do Ameri Corp like Della. She seemed really cool when I talked to her online. She doesn't know anyone either- so that will be another insta-friend when she arrives in 3 weeks. So I'll have some good fag hags! That's all I need in life (oh yeah, and a job...)

Oh- and it's been super hot for Seattle (it got up into the 90's last week and over the weekend and all the weathermen on TV were flipping backwards.) I, of course, thought it was gorgeous because it was breezy and so much drier than Houston or Florida. Today, however, I'm getting my first taste of real Seattle weather. The high is in the 60's and the sun is nowhere to been seen. I'm still in shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops just enjoying the cool weather.

That's my life. And instead of jobs and apartments, I think my mission today is to find a good barber shop- I'm looking rather shaggy.


p.s. Have you all seen the Family Guy with Cookie Monster in cookie rehab??? And then there's the shot of him in the bathroom stall holding the lighter up to the spoonful of cookie dough!!! I almost wet myself! I have way too little human interaction and way too much time on my hands...


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