Friday, July 15, 2005

A Haiku by Phill the Poet

The road trip finally began... 3 days late against my will thanks to wind, rain, and tropical storm, flood, and tornado warnings... after Tampa, Epcot, and Gainesville, I ended up in Baton Rouge for an evening. Carley was definitely playing the role of perfect hostess! I arrived before she got home from work and I was greeted with a nice note telling me to shower or nap or whatever. Then we had dinner at a Louisiana-ish restaurant- which wasn't too Louisiana-ish that I couldn't find anything on the menu- so basically perfect. Then we hung out with wine, poundcake, and ice cream, and she gave up her bed so that I wouldn't have to sleep with the cat. So... if you are going to visit Carley, please visit me first. That way, I don't have to follow her example and you won't be disappointed because you won't know any better.

Tonight I'm at Jenny & Alana's--- they are definitely trying to beat Carley by offering extra blankets and refreshing glasses of ice water. Ha- it ain't happening, though I still love them much. Also, we visited Jiin-yu and Austin tonight and had many wonderful discussions about mint juleps, nausious vs. nauseated, and the note that Jenny and Alana left for the "cute" waiter... ask them about that one. Also, I saw a Louisiana Sheriff's car wrecked and standing straight up leaning against a tree somewhere near Lafayette. There weren't any ambulances, so I'm assuming the officer was ok. It was raining and the roads were really wet- I assume he was speeding and wiped out off the road into the trees. Irony... I bet all the other cops gathered around were making fun of him.

In summation: (1) In Houston until Tuesday... then to Austin, followed by San Antonio (2) For a good time, visit Carley Petrie's Bed & Breakfast (3) A haiku for you:

Cop car in a tree
No ticket for me today
Speeding to Houston



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