Friday, June 24, 2005

Moving Day

So I'm sitting here, waiting for the movers to get here... They said that they'd be here anytime between 8 and 10, which I hope means closer to 8 since I think I am their first house of the day.

I have to say, I am liking this professional movers thing (Thanks Shell!). I packed everything up, even though they would've done packing, but I had to figure out what I was taking anyways, so while I was sorting through everything, it was just as easy to put it all in a box. I am also surprised by the amount of stuff I have. It helps that my parents are giving me so much furniture, I won't have to buy any furniture for quite awhile, although there is all sorts of little stuff that I will need to get.

Start work on Monday in Baton Rouge. I'm excited about it, but also sort of scared and nervous. I talked to my future boss last week and they seem to be pretty happy about me coming. They seem to be prepared for me, which should be different from my summer internships with Schlumberger. I'm working in pressure systems, and there's gonna be a turnaround in July, which is when they empty all the product out of all the systems and check everything to make sure it's all up to code, so that should be exciting, I'm looking forward to it. Should be a good way to learn a lot pretty quickly.

Anyways, that's all for now. Wish me luck as I strike out on my own!



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