Monday, August 08, 2005

My new home is the library...

Hey all- another long post from me, but I guess I have a lot going on. So, I'm here in Seattle, and I have no clue what I'm doing. My first day was awful- the lady in charge of the apartment building is retarded, so I only have one month there and I need to find some place new before then... she didn't show me around the building or anything... like I magically know where the gym in and where the laundry room and such like that. Bitch. And then I found a Target online... I went... and it was in the worst possible part of the city. Then I got lost on the way back. I almost cried. Then things got better.

Friday night I went grocery shopping at the nearest grocery store- and it was SOOO upscale- SOOO me! Saturday and Sunday I explored- my part of town (Capitol Hill) is really trendy- lots of gays and other 20-somethings. I live an 8 minute walk from Broadway- the main drag through Capitol Hill- and a 5 minute walk from Downtown Seattle- which is super nice. I drove around most of the city on Saturday and then walked around Capitol Hill. Sunday I walked downtown and took the monorail to the Space Needle- went up, looked around, then went back downtown to Pike Street Market where they throw the fish around (you've seen it in movies, right?) Then I walked back to the big park in Capitol Hill and laid out in the sun to relax for a while. I even made a friend- we went out to a bar last night and chatted- too bad he's going to be a senior in college in New York and is leaving next weekend to go back. Oh well. I also found another Target- super nice- super upscale- right next to a Best Buy in this big 4 story mall thing. Tears of joy... I almost wet myself. I'll be heading to that Target from now on.

The city is super nice and lots of little cafes have free wifi if you buy a drink- yay! I only have AOL dial-up in my apartment and since I'm only gonna be there a short time, there's no point in paying for DSL. So now I'm downtown- it's about a 20 minute walk to the main public library in Seattle- they have free wifi- with power outlets!- so I can sit here as long as I want. They even have a little Starbucks cart :) Speaking of which- downtown has lots of Starbucks, but you honestly don't notice them unless you are really looking. Of course, I did really look- and I was on one main intersection downtown, right in front of a Starbucks, and I could see about 6 more just by doing a 360 at the corner.

Oh- and public art is really big here- so there is art in places you least expect it- for example, up and down broadway, they have these gold feet in the ground with dance instructions, and the feet are numbered for two people so you can follow the steps. You can walk up the street and learn how to do the Rumba, go up a block and Mambo, etc. Maybe Della and I will go dancing on Broadway when she gets here in a few weeks. YAY!

Also- Jenny and Alana created this blog and haven't really posted in a while- in fact, when I was in Houston, Alana said that she hadn't checked the thing for like 2 weeks. If you ladies ever read this, please post something. There's only like half of us posting regularly (I post extra-regularly, but I guess I have a lot going on).

Ok, that's all. I'm gonna sit here with my iced chai like a good little Seattleite and look for jobs online. My goal is to apply to 5 a day and I'll live at the library everyday until the my goal is realized. We'll see what happens... eeek.



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