Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Business Trip!

Hi All.

I've got a couple of minutes, so here's an update. I'm in Houston taking a training course for my new job- it's an initial inspection course, which is basically just an introduction to all areas of inspecting. So far I haven't actually learned anything. Or not much at least. It's just a very basic class. Most of the guys have an operator background, and I kinda feel like the instructor is dumbing stuff down for them, but he doesn't need to because they are still sharp guys and they all have exposure to this. They don't need to know "the pros and cons of being an inspector."

I am also definitely the youngest person in the class and the most inexperienced. There's a girl who was born in 1979 and she was talking about how young she was. I chose not to pipe up and tell her that I was actually four years younger than she is!

Anyways. Job is going well. I am enjoying it and am starting to get some real problems to sink my teeth into. Of course, I still need a lot of help. There is definitely a very steep learning curve here, but they expect that of you, so that's ok.

I went to Bourbon St last week with some of the other young engineers. I had a really good time, but I have to say I was a little disappointed. The atmosphere was fun but I didn't think the drinks were very good- oversugary, sort of yucky artifical flavoring aftertaste, and very watered down. It was hard for me to get drunk because everything was so watered down and I couldn't drink much of it because it was so sugary. Regardless, I just loved getting out and hanging out with the other engineers, they are all really good people.

Actually, we are all going to Miami end of the month. I am looking forward to that a lot. There was an e-saver so tickets were only $100. I just couldn't pass up an opportunity like that.

Anyways, gotta go finish getting ready for my class. Hopefully today we will get into stuff that is less introductory. It is fun being on a "business trip" though- I can go out almost anywhere I want and charge it to Shell. It's fun!

Hope all is going well with everyone.



At 11:51 AM, Blogger phillipdavid said...

Miami! You're going to Miami!!! Where are you staying?? For how long?? You must go to Coconut Grove while you are there! Let me know if you want me to give you things to do!



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