Friday, August 05, 2005

Two more weeks!

In just two weeks, I will be moving into my new apartment in Ann Arbor- I'm totally psyched! Of course, now I have to really get in gear about getting stuff ready to move, but knowing that it means moving out of this house makes it a labor of love. I'll show you all some pictures of the place when I get there in a couple of weeks.

Anyway, I figured I couldn't let Eric be the only person to post his pictures of season tickets. I am now the proud owner of my very own set of UM football season tickets (BTW, I took for granted not having to ever abbreviate Rice. I can't just say Michigan since that refers to a state and like 5 other universites, and University of Michigan gets old really quick, so as much as I hate it UM it is). Anyway, I love Rice and I'll always be an Owl, but that aside I'm going to vicariously experience college football through this team instead. And since I am a student here too (likely for longer than at Rice) this seems completely legit. Though I seriously doubt I'm going to get an argument from anyone that I have betrayed Rice football, when in reality they have betrayed us by sucking so bad.

That's pretty much what's up with me, sounds like everyone else actually has a life with work/travelling across the planet. As perverse as this sounds, I can't wait to start classes. It'll be nice doing something for a change, and it's not like I have to take stupid distribution classes now or anything. Besides, it'll be fun to meet some new people. Oh, here's my new address- keep in mind that I won't be there for another 2 weeks. Not that any of you were about to send me anything, but still.

1930 W. Liberty St.
Apartment # 9
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

And for some exciting parting information, I bought a new dress shirt yesterday. It's purple. You may now call me the purple shirt guy (as I fear everyone in Jenny's office now actually does).


At 11:27 PM, Blogger phillipdavid said...

I'll send you a postcard in 2 weeks- assuming I get a job and don't run out of money.) Also, my sister goes to UM (University of Miami.) This is gonna get confusing.

Also, purple is totally gay. Gayer than me. Yeah.


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