Saturday, August 20, 2005

The most random thing ever...

I got a permanent apartment! YAY! However, the events leading up to it were odd. Derrick and Della have heard most of this... it's random. It's bizarre. Read on...

While I'm waiting to hear back from jobs, I decided to spend my time apartment hunting, because my first month is up September 4th at the place I'm at now, it's really expensive for the furnished place, and the lady who runs the place is probably the most incompetent person I've ever met. So I went online and drove around and called a few places, took a few tours, and then decided that I really liked this one place right near downtown- its called The Decatur. So the lady who works there- her name is Lyrica- said she would hold it for 24 hours for me. That was Thursday afternoon.

Friday I decided to look at a bunch of other places really fast just to be sure, and I went to this one called the Garden Court and it turns out that Lyrica is the manager there too... we were very surprised to see each other, but it worked out really well because her two buildings were my top 2 choices. They both were the same price- the Garden Court was newer and nicer, but The Decatur was way closer to downtown. So I pondered and called people for advice and decided to go look at The Decatur one more time and make my decision. So I get there and Lyrica says to come have a seat in the office and she says that she has something weird to ask me and she closes the door... at this point, I'm like "Is she gonna kill me?" So she sits down and explains that she has a friend who just graduated from college in Oregon and he moved to Seattle in June and is staying with her and her partner in their spare bedroom at their place in the Garden Court. He's looking for a roommate and she thought that I was super nice and would make a good one... there were 2 open 2 bedroom units at the Garden Court and we could rent one of them- it'd be cheaper to split. So I decided to meet him- he worked down the street at the hospital so he took at 15 minute break and we chatted on a street corner. He was nice, but we decided to hang out again on Sunday to get to know each other better before we made any decisions. So yeah, it all happened so fast...

Well, this morning Lyrica gave me a call and said that both 2 bedroom units were rented out last night at the Garden Court, and that someone wanted the 1 bedroom at The Decatur, but she was holding it for me. So I ran right down there and left a deposit. So, in the end, my plans didn't change. I think I might still hang out with that guy tomorrow night. He seems nice and I don't think he knows too many people in Seattle yet either. So yeah, that was my random, bizarre apartment hunting story. I almost had a roommate. Instead, I have a view. Which bring me too... my apartment!

As of September 1st, my new home will be The Decatur Apartments! I have a 1 bedroom unit on the 11th floor- I have big windows with a view of the Space Needle! It feels like a downtown penthouse! It has brand new carpet and tile and an updated bathroom and kitchen (though the kitchen is little- and the fridge and dishwasher are smaller than normal, but it's just me and I won't mind so much when I'm sitting in there eating looking at the skyline.) The building is a mix of old people who have lived there a long time (the building was built in the 50's) and grad students and young professors (its right down the street from Seattle University.) It's located in the First Hill neighborhood, which is a small residential neighborhood located adjacent to Downtown and Capitol Hill (where I live now.) If you want more info, you can check out these websites:,48,122&wsv_qsKeyword=&wsv_qsRegisteredFlag=0&wsv_qsBrowseStatus=0&wsv_qsSearchStatus=0&wsv_qsReferringURL=&wsv_qsSCartStatus=0&wsv_qsLowPrice=&wsv_qsHighPrice=&wsv_qsBR=&wsv_qsTerm=&wsv_qsAdvancedSearch=&wsv_qsNoAreas=&wsv_qsSFlg=&lk=ovTb

In the meantime, here are some pics that I've added captions to because it was fun and I was bored...



At 9:44 PM, Blogger phillipdavid said...

Lol, thanks for the offer, but I'll let you keep your shirts. However, I encourage you to wear them when you come to visit me eventually :)


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