Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Who turned out the lights?

I haven't posted in a while, at least for my standards. Here's an update:

It's dark here. Like, seriously dark. We're really far north and now that we're back on standard time the sun is setting before 5:00. It's quite a shock for me, coming from Florida, especially since when I arrived in August the sun was setting around 8:30ish. And the cold and rains have set in as a permanent fixture it seems. It's not so bad. I have two interviews this week. God I need something to keep me busy... and pay my rent.

Della and I went to a RAVA reception last Tuesday night. We ran into Ryan and Aubrey (who apparently works only a few blocks from my apartment) and met some other alums. There's a nice couple who graduated '01 who live right near me, so Della and I are going out for beers with them on Friday night. I'm excited! Hopefully I'll be able to drink again by then... which brings me to my drunken fun. I haven't been drunk drunk since June. My friend Adam and I have this thing where we get together and chug down two bottles of wine on a random week night every week. Well, last week we kinda lost control and chugged down 4 bottles instead. That's two each. And apparently that was enough to put me over the top. Thursday was not fun.

Speaking of getting drunk with friends: I now pretty much have an awesome core group of friends, and thanks to social networking, I'm mooching off of their friends to expand my list. Every Sunday we do Sunday Night Pizza- our goal is to hit every good pizza joint in Seattle, and there are some awesome ones here, including a brothel-themed pizza restaurant! This week was week 7, and we had two other friends tag along in addition to the usual crew of 4 (Kathryn, Greg, Adam, and myself.) We're getting big. It's hot. And thanks to thefacebook and myspace, I've/we've made a few new friends this week. Kathryn and I went through facebook profiles and picked people to message- mostly people who have also just graduated and moved here. Two new friends. YAY!

And that's my update. Maybe next week I'll have a job and will be able to do a monster exciting post. Other than that though, things are going well and I love it! And once everyone is done visiting Carley, everyone should come visit me and Della. I'm not as good a host as Carley, but I give good tours :)



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