Monday, November 21, 2005

I work hard for the money

... so you'd better treat me right! So yeah, I should have posted this last week, but I got a job, finally! I started last Wednesday at an insurance wholesale firm in Redmond- near Mircosoft. The morning commute is about 25 minutes and about 40 minutes in the afternoon (luckily I leave at 4:30 so I miss most of the traffic. I went out to happy hour with some co-workers on Friday and left there at 6:00... it took me 80 minutes to get back over to my area... never doing that again!

Basically I'm in charge of (or eventually will be in charge of) setting up new accounts, reviewing policies, corresponding with our clients and providers, etc. In a few months I'll probably start taking various classes to get certified in various things... they promote from within, and insurance brokers make a killing from what I've heard. So it's cool. Everyone in the office is super nice, it's very casual, and the job is pretty interesting- I actually look forward to going to work in the morning! YAY! The pay isn't great- in fact, it sucks- but I have a review after 90 days and I'm hoping that that review includes a little bump in pay. But I suppose its enough to live off of for now kinda... and mother is always there to back me up. And I guess what it lacks in pay is offset by benefits- AMAZING- they cover the full premium for medical, dental, and vision. So that's hot!

One of the partners is this super funny Asian guy- his name is Larry Woo- you should go to the website ( and check out Larry's Corner. He posts random jokes and stuff on there- it's totally bizarre and totally awesome at the same time. Oh, and apparently everyone in the insurance industry drinks heavily- and since I'm right out of college they asked me to show them how to do a power hour... I'm gonna burn Della's copy of Derrick's CD and bring that with me. This should be good :) AND, I'm going with them to the Gwen Stefani concert tonight- 9th row center seats- $160- but the partners are picking up $100 of that. Hellz yeah!

Anyways, that's my big news- I'm glad I finally had something of substance to share! Woohoo! And if you haven't heard it, you should all go download the song "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins- it's the best song ever!



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