Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quick Visits

I flew home for the long weekend. Since the flight was overnight on Thursday and I had a layover in Chicago halfway through, I pretty much got no sleep. I was exhausted the entire weekend, but I refused to sleep when there was food to eat and friends to see! I pretty much saw everyone who was home. They are all moving to New York... so I'm planning a trip out there this fall.

I flew home Monday afternoon/evening/night. I had a long enough layover in Dallas for Dave to pick me up and take me out to Braum's (an ice cream chain- they serve food too). Eric and Charles met us there and we had dinner and dessert. YAY! I hadn't seen Charles in over a year.

Also, I came out to the family on the way to the airport on Monday. As I told Derrick earlier, it was extremely uneventful. Nobody really gave a shit. And that fact that I did it on the way to the airport didn't leave enough room for mother to ask too many inappropriate questions.

So now I'm back and thoroughly exhausted. I survived work today, and now I plan on crashing early. I hope all is well with all of you!


Thursday, May 11, 2006

124 posts later...

I couldn't let today go by unnoticed. Today marks the one year creation of our very own blog. Just think, we were all about to graduate at this point last year and now look at all of us. We're all over the place, and we've all had interesting years (at least I know I have). Hmm, that's about it. You can fill in profound "in the past year" statements if you'd like. Oh, and I'm arriving in Houston next week to start work so if you're in town this summer we have to make sure to hang out (two words, not to be confused with the noun hangout).

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The girl who cried house...

Bad news.

I think most of you knew about me signing a purchase agreement on that house. Well, the inspection was on Friday, and it turned up some not good things. I knew that the chimney had come down in Katrina, but I was told that they had repaired it. So during the inspection, I asked the inspector to check that carefully. My dad came in town to come to the inspection, and as we were walking around beforehand, he pointed out a part of the roof just below the chimney that was sort of caved in.

So when the inspector went up on the roof, that part was sort of soft. Also, when he leaned on the chimney, it sort of shook. Not good. There were also some discolorations in the ceiling of the living room that I hadn't noticed before, which right below the chimney and the soft spot.

So then the inspector went up into the attic, and discovered the reason for the leakage. First, the chimney been reinstalled rather shoddily with just a few 2x4s which were screwed through the roof flashing, making the roof leak. Also, they reused the same chimney, and the inspector said that generally you would get a new chimney rather than reinstalling the broken one.

Also, at the soft spot we had seen earlier, there was a broken rafter. Not a hairline crack in a rafter- broken, almost in two, so that the roof caved in and the plywood had come apart. To fix it, you'd have to come in from the outside, take off the roof, replace the rafter, and then replace the roof. An expensive job. We weren't sure if they knew about the rafter- in the disclosure they said that there was roof damage from the chimney coming down, but they also said it had been fixed, and this definitely had not been.

Of course, at this point, I had a few options. I could've requested that they fix it, but after seeing their "fix" to the chimney problem, I don't trust them to fix the roof. The husband is in construction, he does stucco, so I can imagine that it really burns him to pay someone else to do the work, but obviously, he can't (or chooses not to) do a good job himself.

I also could have requested that they get it fixed by a third party contractor who you guarantee the job, and then have it reinspected. Problem is, right now it is really hard to find decent roofing contractors. And I had a feeling they would go with the cheapest guy they could find, which is not who I want to repair my roof.

The third option would be to get a quote from someone I picked and either have them put that amount in the escrow account or have them take it off the price of the house. But with the labor market being so tight right now, I wasn't sure I would be able to find someone that I trusted in a timely manner, and all the while my roof would be leaking. Ugh. Not to mention what a mess that would be, having to deal with a contractor who comes and tears out your roof. No thank you.

Of course, at this point, I'm also wondering what else is wrong with this house that I don't know about- what else this guy has "fixed" which is severely screwed up. The people living there were absolute slobs and since they had stopped showing it, had stopped what little maintenance they were doing.

So I walked away from the house. I lose some money doing that, the inspection fee and the appraisal fee, but when you consider the amount of money a house is, it's a tiny fraction. And I told my realtor I wanted to go see houses the next day.

So yesterday, I went with my realtor and my father, who was still in town, to look at several houses. So now for the good news.

I found two houses that I really liked, and I'm going to make an offer on one of them today. If that one doesn't work out, I'm going to make an offer on the other one. :-D

Ok, I know this post has gone on for a long time and it's not funny, but I thought people might be interested in hearing about my adventures. Blogspot for some reason won't let me upload pictures, but I am going to post them on my facebook account, so you can see them there.

Hope everyone is doing well!
